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  1. 低溫等離子體在化學反應中的應用;

  2. 二氧化碳資源化利用🍳;

  3. 可再生能源利用與儲存。


2020.11 - 至今🤙🏽:講師🎭,EON4注册(EON4娱乐)

2017.10 - 2020.10🤟🏿:博士後,美國貝勒大學(工程與計算機科學EON4)

合作導師:Alexandre Yokochi教授、Annette von Jouanne教授

2016.07 - 2017.09:博士後,美國俄勒岡州立大學(化學、生物與環境工程EON4)

合作導師🥫⇢:Goran Jovanovic教授、Alexandre Yokochi教授

2013.09 - 2016.06:化學工程專業博士,美國俄勒岡州立大學(化學、生物與環境工程EON4)👃🏽,導師🌀:Goran Jovanovic教授🙍🏿、Alexandre Yokochi教授

2010.09 - 2013.06:化學工程專業碩士🥮,美國俄勒岡州立大學(化學、生物與環境工程EON4),導師✍🏿😚:Goran Jovanovic教授、Alexandre Yokochi教授

2006.09 - 2010.07:化學工程專業學士,沈陽化工大學(化學工程EON4)


Green Energy & Resources》青年編委。







  1. 上海市浦江人才計劃(特殊急需類),30萬📨,2022年🍩,主持🏛,在研

  2. 美國海軍研究辦公室資助縱向課題🧙🏼‍♀️,40萬美金,2019-2021年,參與👩🏻‍🦽,已結題

  3. 美國能源部資助縱向課題,240萬美金,2017-2019年,子課題主持🤶🏽,已結題

  4. 泰國國家石油公司資助橫向課題👌,48萬美金,2012-2016年,骨幹參與🧎🏻,已結題


先後主持上海市浦江人才計劃項目及美國能源部資助縱向項目子課題🦹🏼‍♀️,長期從事二氧化碳資源化利用以及可再生能源利用與儲存方向的研究📵,聚焦低溫等離子體在化學反應中的應用,在Chemical Engineering JournalIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry ResearchEnergies期刊上發表論文十余篇🙆🏼♞,文章他引次數累計達到800余次,曾獲Energies》期刊2019年度最佳文章獎,申請美國發明專利1項⚧,擔任國際期刊《Green Energy & Resources》編委🧑🏿‍✈️。


1. Yu Miao, Alexandre Yokochi, Goran Jovanovic, Suping Zhang, Annette von Jouanne,“Application-oriented non-thermal plasmain chemical reaction engineering: A review,” Green Energy and Resources, 2023, 1, 100004.

2. Yu Miao, Peter Kreider, Justin Pommerenck, Nick AuYeung, Annette von Jouanne, Goran Jovanovic, Alexandre Yokochi, “CO2Reduction in Multi-point Microscale-based Corona Reactor: Experiments and Modeling,” Industrial &Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61, 10756-10765.

3. Ian Reddick, Adam Shareghi, Yu Miao, Justin Pommerenck, Matthew Coblyn, Alexandre Yokochi, Annette von Jouanne, Goran Jovanovic, Nick AuYeung, “Parametric Study of Hydrocarbon Chain Growth from Methane via a Nonthermal PlasmaDischarge Microreactor,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61, 10047-10057.

4. Yu Miao, Peter Kreider, Ian Reddick, Justin Pommerenck, Ryan Collin, Nick AuYeung, Annette von Jouanne, Goran Jovanovic, Alexanre Yokochi, “Methane Coupling to Ethylene and Longer-Chain Hydrocarbons by Low-Energy ElectricalDischarge in Microstructured Reactors,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60, 6950-6958.

5. Yu Miao, Annette von Jouanne, Alexandre Yokochi, “Current Technologies in Depolymerization Process and the RoadAhead,” Polymers, 2021, 13, 449.

6. Annette von Jouanne, Ryan Collin, Madeline Stephens, Yu Miao, Brian Thayil, Caleb Li, Emmanuel Agamloh, Alexandre Yokochi, “MotorBearing Current Characterization in SiC-based Variable Frequency Drive Applications,” 2020 IEEE EnergyConversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Oct. 11-15, 2020. Detroit, MI, USA: 2718-2725.

7. Ryan Collin, Yu Miao, Alexandre Yokochi, Prasad Enjeti, Annette von Jouanne, “Advanced Electric Vehicle Fast-ChargingTechnologies,” Energies, 2019, 12, 1839.

8. Yu Miao, Patrick Hynan, Annette von Jouanne, Alexandre Yokochi, “Current Li-Ion Battery Technologies in Electric Vehiclesand Opportunities for Advancements,” Energies, 2019, 12, 1074.

9. Annette von Jouanne, Ryan Collin, Yu Miao, Alexandre Yokochi, Scott Harpool, Adam Shareghi, “Power electronics testbed forconverting methane to liquid fuels via electrical corona,” 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress andExposition (ECCE), Sep. 23-27, 2018. Portland, OR, USA: 3572-3578.

10. Yu Miao, Nuchanart Siri-Nguan, Thana Sornchamni, Goran Jovanovic, Alexandre Yokochi, “CO2 Reduction in Aqueous-Ionic Liquid Solution in Microscale-Based Electrochemical Reactor,” Chem. Eng. J., 2018, 333, 300-309.

網頁發布時間: 2023-05-26
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