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院長信箱   網站管理
發布時間:2016-04-07   訪問次數:27087


Qian Sui, Professor, Ph. D Supervisor





Contact info:

Add: Meilong Road 130, East China University of Science & Technology, 200237, Shanghai

Tel: 86-21-64252139

Email: suiqian@ecust.edu.cn



Research interest:

Source, occurrence, and removal of emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products, endocrine disrupting chemicals, micro-plastics





2006-2011↘️:Ph. D degree, Environmental Science & Engineering, Tsinghua University

2002-2006Bachelor degree: Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University


2022-至今:EON4娱乐 副院長

2021-至今💃🏻🏵:EON4娱乐 教授

2020-至今🦧🚴🏼‍♀️:國家環境保護化工過程環境風險評價與控製重點實驗室 副主任

2017-2022🖐🏽:EON4娱乐 環境工程系 副系主任/系主任

2015-2021🥷🏽:EON4娱乐 副教授

2011-2015:EON4娱乐 講師/師資博士後

2008🩲👩🏽‍🍼:德國亞琛工業大學 合作交流

2007日本京都大學 合作交流

Professional experiences:

2021-till now:Head, Department of Environmental Engineering, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science & Technology

2021-till now:Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science & Technology

2020-till now: Deputy Head, State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Environmental Risk Assessment and Control on Chemical Process, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering

2015-2021:Associate Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science & Technology

2011-2015:   Assistant Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science & Technology

2008:       Visiting Scholar, RWTH-Aachen, Germany

2007:       Visiting Scholar, Kyoto University, Japan



  • 《水汙染控製工程(下)(全英文)》

  • 《環境分析與監測(全英文)》


  • 水汙染控製原理與技術(全英文)

  • 汙染控製工程理論(全英文)》


For undergraduate students:

  • Water Pollution Control Engineering (II) (English)

  • Environmental Analysis and Monitoring (English)

For graduate students:

  • Principals and Technologies for Water Pollution Control (English)

  • Theory for Pollution Control Engineering (English)


Science of the Total Environment編委

Environment International客座編輯

Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering青年編委

Bioresources and Bioprocessing青年編委

Emerging Contaminants 編委

Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters 青年編委會委員

Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science期刊編委

中國環境科學學會POPs專業委員會 委員

Committee and Broad Memberships

Member of Editorial Board: Science of the Total Environment

GuestEditor: Environment International

Member of Early Career Editorial Board: Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

Member of Early Career Editorial Board: Bioresources and Bioprocessing

Member of Editorial Board: Emerging Contaminants

Member of Early Career Editorial Board: Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters

Member of Editorial Board: Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science

Member of POPs Specialized Committee, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences












Main Projects

(1) Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment in China (2017ZX0702006) (Sub-Project), 2017.1-2020.12, in charge

(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): In situ identification ofcharacteristic pollutants adsorbed on small-sized microplastics and its application during the source apportionment of microplastics in urban rivers, 2021.1-2024.12, in charge

(3) National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Identification of leading factors influencing the occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the landfill leachates and their influence mechanisms, 2018.1-2021.12, in charge

(4) National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Source apportionment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the urban surface water environment using characteristic index for emission sources, 2016.1-2019.12, in charge

(5) National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Ozonation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the secondary effluent: effects of effluent quality and the mechanisms, 2013.1-2015.12, in charge

(6)Shanghai Talent Development Funding, 2021.1-2023.12, in charge

(7) Shanghai Youth Talent Support Program, 2021.3-2024.3, in charge

(9) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Adsorption and degradation of typical pharmaceuticals and personal care products by activated sludge, 2013.5-2013.7, in charge

(9) Research Project of Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau: Environmental and health risk assessment and control of Substance of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in the industrial zones in Shanghai, 2017.5-2018.5, in charge

(10) Research Project of Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau: Survey and study on management for the enterprises producing and using endocrine disrupting chemicals, 2016.7-2017.7, in charge

代表性論文(Representative publications)

1Xia Yu, Qian Sui*, Shuguang Lyu, Wentao Zhao, Dongquan Wu, Gang Yu, and Damia Barcelo. Rainfall Influences Occurrence of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Landfill Leachates: Evidence from Seasonal Variations and Extreme Rainfall Episodes. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(8): 4822–4830.

2Xia Yu, Qian Sui*, Shuguang Lyu, Wentao Zhao, Jianguo Liu, Zhenxiao Cai, Gang Yu, and Damia Barcelo. Municipal solid waste landfills: An underestimated source of PPCPs in the water environment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(16): 9757–9768.

3Qian SUI, Wilhelm GEBHARDT, Horst Friedrich SCHRODER, Wentao ZHAO, Shuguang LU, Gang YU*. Identification of new oxidation products of bezafibrate for better understanding of its toxicity evolution and oxidation mechanisms during ozonation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51: 2262-2270.

4Qian SUI, Jun HUANG, Shubo DENG, Weiwei CHEN, Gang YU*. Seasonal variation in the occurrence and removal of pharmaceuticalsand personal care products in different biological wastewater treatment processes. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45(8):3341-3348.

5Qian SUI, Jun HUANG, Shubo DENG, Gang YU*,Qing FAN. Occurrence and removal of pharmaceuticals, caffeine and DEET in wastewater treatment plants of Beijing, China. Water Research, 2010, 44(2): 417-426.

6Xia Yu, Qian Sui, Shuguang Lyu, Wentao Zhao, Xuqi Cao, Jiusi Wang, Gang Yu. Do high levels of PPCPs in landfill leachates influence the water environment in the vicinity of landfills? A case study of the largest landfill in China. Environment International, 2020, 135: 105404.

7Qian SUI*,#, Wentao ZHAO#, Xuqi CAO, Shuguang LU*, Zhaofu QIU, Xiaogang GU, Gang YU. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the leachates from a typical landfill reservoir of municipal solid waste in Shanghai, China: occurrence and removal by a full-scale membrane bioreactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 323: 99-108.

8Yunzhu Huang, Qian Sui*, Shuguang Lyu, Jiaqi Wang, Shaoxin Huang, Wentao Zhao, Bin Wang, Dongjiong Xu, Ming Kong, Yimin Zhang, Gang Yu. Tracking emission sources of PAHs in a region with pollution-intensive industries, Taihu Basin: From potential pollution sources to surface water. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 264: 114674.

9Dongquan Wu, Qian Sui*, Xia Yu, Wentao Zhao, Qiang Li, Despo Fatta-Kassinos. Identification of indicator PPCPs in landfill leachates and livestock wastewaters using multi-residue analysis of 70 PPCPs: Analytical method development and application in Yangtze River Delta, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 753: 141653.

10Ziqian Xu, Qian Sui*, Aimin Li, Ming Sun, Liang Zhang, Shuguang Lyu, Wentao Zhao. How to detect small microplastics (20–100 μm) in freshwater, municipal wastewaters and landfill leachates? A trial from sampling to identification. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 733: 139218.

網頁發布時間: 2016-04-07
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